Are We Talking Our Way Out Of Our Dreams?

I had a conversation with a friend and she told me how we can sometimes talk about what we want to do more than actually get to our goals. There is a poignant moment when people hear you speak about what you want to do. People need to see what you do through you, not hear the witty banter that is given to give the appearance that you are reaching your goals.

Do not talk your way out of your goals by only talking about them. The less you talk about what you are going to do, gives you more time to actually inch closer to them. Dont say your going to be a writer if you are not writing! All you're are doing is telling people how big your going to be!

Get your butt off your computer chair and reach out, seek help! Make your mind available to do things that were not previously done to get somewhere you have not previously been. Take to heart how important this challenge is that has been given to you.

Walk as if you know your goals will be fulfilled tomorrow. Always be prepared to accept the goal, never waver in your efforts when times get hard. Lastly, someone is always watching your efforts, never slip up on your path to excellence, always strive to be where you want to be and beyond!