Its still in da A, the grade of black men and women that live our lives on red carpet, and have a say in how I display the array of side eyes, and eye to eye contact of lies in their life’s parade. An A- is just that an A that is missing something. Its not a perfect score, because we score less by being less than perfect but more than you B rother that stands next to you, but you C those Cats that used to roll with you no longer can tumble on the level you do.
That grade that you now have shows off you perfection in sight, with sound you seem profound, but what I found is that you are a farce of what an a represents, you are an A-, which means you are void of what you see is in those genes.
We are missing a soul, hollow hole, with a candy shell. When we break into your soft a#^ interior, all the screams and streams of emotion being comes flowing out of your hard looking exterior! I wouldn’t swap meat you out, the cop out that you have arrested from my development will “take me to another land”. You amped us up with trumped up volumes of poker faces that lead us to different places, following what you say like twitter, only to realize you were on Myspace trying to tell that cops that you saw my face in a book.
Look again, you are an A- which means you are missin, you didn’t listen when you caught the grades. You saw an A- and thought you had it made. Just because you live in da A, doesn’t mean you are where you need to be. With that minus involved you are nothing while you are still missing. We put out on APB on the real person that you need to be, no I had to turn to BET to remember that you are A- piece missing in reality!
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